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Do you struggle to save money?

Saving money is really not as difficult as most people think it is.

What makes it so hard is that when someone decides that they want to save more money, they try to change everything!

That never works…it’s not about making drastic changes to everything you do, because as you know, this usually ends failure.

I’m not saying that this is always the case, but more often than not it is.

Resolving to totally change everything you do is really hard. And with one or two little slip-ups, most people tend to give up and go back to their old ways.

Saving money can be accomplished by making small manageable changes. Making small changes is much easier which, in turn, keeps you motivated to continue. You are much more likely to accomplish your goals if you’re not turning your whole life upside down.

20 Things You Must Stop Buying Now

For this reason, I put together 20 things you must stop buying that will save you a bunch of money every. Try implementing a few of these changes every couple of weeks and you have the potential to save $5000 or more.

Paper Towels/Napkins

Paper products that are just thrown in the trash after one use is a huge waste of money. You are literally throwing your money in the trash. Instead, why not by some reusable paper towels and cleaning rags that can be used over and over again.

These bamboo paper towels replace 6 months of regular paper towels, they are machine washable and lint free so you can reuse them over and over again.


Just about everything you pay to read in magazines and newspapers is available to read online these days. So why would you spend your hard-earned money on the physical versions that just end up in the recycling bin or worse the trash?

If you must buy magazines, get a subscription through Best Deals Magazine. A one-year subscription cost about the same as one or two magazines sold in stores.

Gym Memberships

If you are paying for a gym membership, then think about how much you actually use it. Is it worth the hefty gym membership fees? Are you using it enough to get your money’s worth out if it? If not then cancel it. There are many ways that you could get a workout at home or outdoors that don’t cost a dime.

Fancy Specialty Coffees

If you are a regular at Starbucks then you are throwing so much money in the trash every month. Even if you have just one specialty coffee a day, it’s costing you over $100 a month. Why not make your own at home, you can find many “copycat” recipes online and still get your fix.

Brand Name Food

There is a generic version of just about every brand named food out there and they are way more inexpensive than the brand named version. Did you know that most of the store/generic versions are made by the same manufacturer as the brand name? Really the only difference is that you are not paying for the pretty packaging and advertising of the more expensive versions.

Bottled Water

Just like specialty coffees, bottled water is a big waste of money every month. Why not buy yourself a filtered water pitcher instead. If you like the convenience of grabbing a bottle of water and heading out the door, just save the many empty bottles that I’m sure you accumulate pretty quickly and fill them ahead of time at home to save money & waste.


Take out can become quite expensive, especially if it is a regular occurrence. I get it, there are some days where there is so much going on it’s hard to find the time to make a healthy dinner. Instead of turning to takeout, prepare yourself in advance for these types of days. Next time you make a casserole for supper, double your recipe and prepare another one for another time, then on those busy days, you simply need to pop it in the oven for a healthy and less expensive meal.

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Individual Sized Meals

These are another item that many people buy that are a big waste of money. Again you are paying for convenience and packaging. Instead, buy larger sized items and make your own individually sized meals at home.

Junk Food

Junk food is not only a huge waste of money but it’s also terrible for your body. Instead, make some healthy single-serve snacks at home that you can take with you to work or when you’re on the go. This way you can grab a healthy snack when your tummy starts to growl instead of hitting up the vending machine at work.

Disposable Dinnerware

Just as the name implies, you are just throwing your money in the trash if you use disposable plates, cups or utensils. These are very convenient but the convenience costs a lot of money over time. Really, how long does it take to wash and extra few plates, fork, and cups?

Sale Items You don’t need

Who doesn’t love to find great deals on sale items? Buying items that are on sale is a huge money saver, the problem comes in when you are buying sale items that you don’t really need just because they are on sale. If it’s not something you really need, don’t waste your money. 

Individual Sized Meat Portions

This is another item that you are just paying for convenience. Instead, select a larger cut of meat that is less expensive per pound and then ask the stores butcher to cut it down into smaller portions for you. 

Store-bought cleaners

Store-bought cleaners are super expensive, you can make most of these cleaners with some very inexpensive products that you probably already have at home. You can find DIY recipes for just about every cleaning product that you use now that work just as well and are so much healthier for you and your family.

Small size personal care items

Just like individually sized meals or meat portions, smaller sized bottles of personal care products cost more money. Instead, buy the largest sized that cost less per unit and fill your smaller bottles with it whenever you need to.

Dried Fruit snacks

Make your own dried fruit snacks at home instead of paying for the very pricey store-bought version. Think about it how much does it cost you to buy a bunch of bananas versus a bag of the dried version? You’ll have to make an initial investment in a food dehydrator but that investment will save you so much money down the road.

Music Streaming

Why would you pay for a music streaming service when there are so many out there for free? Ok, you might have to listen to a commercial every now and then, but who cares. It’s worth it in the amount of money you will be saving every year.

Keurig Pods

This is another disposable product that isn’t worth the cost. You can buy some very inexpensive reusable pods along with your favorite coffee and fill them up to save so much money.


Soda is another item that is not only pretty costly but is not good for you too. Get in the habit of drinking water instead. It is so much better for your health and it’s free.

Disposable Food Storage Items

Things like zipper bags and foil are another big waste of money. They are another use it once and throw it away item. Instead of throwing your money in the trash, invest in some good quality storage containers that can be used over and over again.

Pricey Personal Care Items

Many personal care items such as body scrubs, shaving creams, facial masks, and much more can easily be made at home for pennies compared to the high prices you pay at the drugstore. And most of them can be made with items that you already have on hand at home. Pinterest is a great resource to find DIY personal care recipes for just about anything under the sun that will save you so much money.

So there you have it, 20 items that you need to stopping buying now that will put an extra $5000 or more in your pockets every year. Plus, you aren’t really giving anything up, you are simply making smarter buying decisions. Try implementing a hand full of these tips at a time and you won’t even realize the difference.

Do you have any tips on things you must stop buying that you would like to add to this list? We’d love to hear them.


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