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I usually write about HOW to become debt-free, but today I’m changing it up.  I want to tell you about the WHY you should become debt-free.  I know that you know how it affects you, but I’m hoping to encourage you to start your debt free life now or keep at it if you are currently working on it.

According to, the average indebted household today carries roughly $8,600 in outstanding credit card debt. If I can change that for even just a handful of people with this article, that will mean that I’ve helped them change their lives forever. I want this for you!

As you read this article, I want you to imagine how your life will change once you get out from under your life draining pile of debt. And how awesome things will be when you are free of it!!

I wanted to write this post because I hope that everyone reading this will see that living in debt is not a way to live. Debt took away a lot of my dreams for a long time and I am really hoping to save you from being in the same situation.

Debt Payoff Simplified


...paying off debt doesn't have to be so hard...

These 9 simple strategies will help you kick start your debt payoff plan

even if you can't squeeze another dime out of your budget...


Getting out of debt is hard

I know it’s hard! It may be one of the hardest things you have done in your life up to this point.  I don’t mean any disrespect to anybody by that statement, I realize that there are plenty of you who have had bigger hardships in your lives. Maybe that is why you are in debt and reading this post.

My goal for this post is to light a fire in you to take action by seeing how much better life will be. I want to encourage you to make a huge change in your life. So let’s get to it…Let me share with you how becoming debt free will change your life!!

Being debt free will lead to better relationships

Think about it, how fun and easy-going are you when you are constantly stressed out about your debt? Maybe you snap at others without meaning to because you are so worried about how you are going to pay your bills. Or you are living in fear every time the phone rings because it might be a creditor calls.   Being debt free will allow you to relax have fun with your family and friends without constantly worrying about money.

Being debt free will allow you to be yourself

How many times have you made decisions in your life based on your debt?  By being debt free you can truly be yourself.  You can do what you want or don’t want.  Your debt will no longer be running your life.

Debt is a horrible situation to be in. You are always worrying about how to pay the bills and stay on budget. If you are in this situation, then you should do whatever you need to do to get out of debt so you can achieve financial freedom. You will be so much happier once you are debt free. #money #finance #getoutofdebt

Being debt free means no one can take anything from you

Think about it, when you buy things on credit, they are not really yours until it’s paid. Maybe you worry about getting your car repossessed or your home foreclosed upon. Being debt free means that you never have to worry about creditors taking anything from you. What’s your is yours to do what you wish with.   

Being debt free will improve your health

Debt is a stressful thing and we all know that stress is not good for anybody.  Stress can really do a number on your mental and physical well-being. Becoming debt free will allow you to relax with a lot less stress in your life.  And less stress will result in a happier healthier you.             

Being debt free mean you get your freedom back

Debt rules your life,  you can not truly follow your dreams when you are in debt.  Maybe you would love to pursue a different career or move to a different place or anything else you want.  Getting out of debt allows you to take charge of your life and pursue the things that will truly make you happy.

Being debt free allows you to give back

Maybe you would love to give back and help others but just can’t because of your debt. Whether it is a charity you would love to support or family members you would love to be able to help because they have helped you so much. When you are debt free you can help others which is a great thing to be able to do.

There are so many different ways that your life will improve when you get out from under your debt.  I really hope that this post has inspired you to take your life back today and get you started on your debt free journey!!


Debt Payoff Simplified


...paying off debt doesn't have to be so hard...

These 9 simple strategies will help you kick start your debt payoff plan

even if you can't squeeze another dime out of your budget...